Graduate school in geomatics will arrange a 1-Week Short Course for Post-Graduate Students in

Alternative Sensor Orientation Approaches in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Venue: Helsinki University of Technology, Main building, Lecture Hall M1 + computer lab
The course is arranged in two parts: Lectures plus exercises in June and student presentations later in Autumn.

Program for the 1-week short course 06.-10.06.2005

Lecturer:     Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Clive S. Fraser
Dept. of Geomatics,
                                                                    University of Melbourne, Australia

Digital imaging technology has had a profound impact on the science and technology of photogrammetry. This has been especially the case in two areas: high-resolution satellite imagery (HRSI), and the conduct out photogrammeric surveys using consumer-grade digital cameras. Both these innovations call, for different reasons, for sensor orientation models that constitute alternatives to traditional photogrammetric models. The need for alternative orientation models is driven partly by the characteristics of new HRSI sensors and off-the-shelf digital cameras, and partly by the desire to provide robust, flexible and highly automated product generation systems suited for use by non-photogrammetrists. This 1-week course will cover alternative sensor orientation in HRSI and close-range photogrammetry. It will comprise class-room sessions of theory as well as practical exercises in sensor orientation utilizing specialized, state-of-the-art software systems. At the conclusion of the course the student will understand the theory and practice of alternative sensor orientation modeling in photogrammetry, and will have had practical experience with implementation of the concepts covered.

During the short course days there will be an opportunity to discuss and to get feedback from the lecturer and other experts.

Later in Autumn there will be a post-graduate student seminar for student presentations in related subjects. Topics of these presentions must be discussed in advance, students are encouraged to suggest their own topic.

In addition to the post-graduate students in Geomatics the course can be attended by the students from other departments of HUT or other Universities who can utilize the participation in their own post-graduate studies. The course is also suitable for further training or education for those interested in the subject.

Study weeks in HUT:

- participation in the short course with exercises, 2.0 study weeks,
- presentation 1.0 study week,
- and publication 2.0 study weeks.

Send the registration form to Secretary Marika.Ahlavuo(at) by email latest on Monday 30.05.2005. You can also registrate by using this link.

The post-graduate course as itself is free of charge, but there will be a fee (appr. 10 Euros) for all available lecture material copied in advance.  Later, the aim is to collect the lecture material onto a CD.

Responsible for the content of the post-graduate course is Professor Henrik Haggrén (Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) and for the practical arrangements Senior Researcher Jussi Heikkinen.

Further information:
Professor Henrik Haggrén, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Tel.: +358-9-451 3900, e-mail: henrik.haggren(at)

Senior Researcher Jussi Heikkinen, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Tel.: +358-9-451 3897, e-mail: jussi.heikkinen(at)